“Healthy and growing forests remain the best technology for removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.”


Green Spa Network’s inaugural Action Initiative is premised on the critical and urgent need to regenerate the earth using trees’ natural abilities to reverse climate change. The GSN Tree Planting Initiative is an effort to mobilize the spa industry to plant 1 million trees!

Visit the Why Plant Trees tab above to learn more the cause.

Ways to Get Involved

However you choose to contribute, signing up with GSN allows the community to track its overall progress toward our one million-tree goal, rally around a common cause, and send a clear message that the spa and wellness industry cares to be a recognized champion of environmentalism. Existing and new members of the GSN network are encouraged to pledge to contribute to this effort in any of several ways.

  • Donate trees through the GSN/WeForest partnership. $3 plants 1 tree. In the Resources tab above, we’ve provided a number of marketing materials for your use, along with ideas for strategies that help to engage customers and highlight your business as an environmental leader.
  • Organize or participate in a local tree planting or fundraising event. Activate your local network to organize a tree planting event that involves your staff, customers, and supporters. If you’re unable to plant trees on your property, try partnering with a local nonprofit, charity, school, or government organization that is participating in a similar event to educate about the importance of living trees and forests. For more ideas and information about hosting tree planting events within your community, visit the Resources tab above.
  • Continue an existing tree planting partnership. We recognize and applaud the great tree planting efforts and milestones that many businesses in our community have already achieved through other partnerships. By joining the GSN Tree Planting Initiative, each of your planted trees between now and next Earth Day will count towards our collective goal.

Please visit the Resources tab above to download helpful tips, logistical information, and marketing materials.



We are much more powerful and impactful if we unify across the industry and work together towards a greater good. As you participate in this initiative throughout the year, be sure to use #GSNPlantsTrees so we can track your progress and share your stories! Learn more about the GSN Tree Planting Initiative via the tabs above and feel free to contact us with any questions.

“We must act now to limit global temperatures rise and preserve the planet for our children.”




We are much more powerful and impactful if we unify across the industry and work together towards a greater good. As you participate in this initiative throughout the year, be sure to use #GSNPlantsTrees so we can track your progress and share your stories! Learn more about the GSN Tree Planting Initiative via the tabs above and feel free to contact us with any questions


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